Awareness Through Movement® Returns: A Little Goes a Long Way!
5 Tuesday Evenings: 5:00-6:00 pm: February 7, 14, 21, 28 & March 4
5 Wednesday Mornings: 10:00-11:00 am: February 8, 15, 22, & March 1 & 8
Note: This class is offered online live via Zoom.
Greetings friends and Feldenkrais® students!
Tempting as it is to imagine and compel myself to leap among and over the myriad of decisions, tasks, and challenges I expect in 2023, I remain committed to an abiding encouragement in Awareness Through Movement lessons to Do Less Than You Can. In designing another approximation of the balances between teaching ATM and “studenting” ATM, between engagement and resting, between professional work and home work, I find essential an ability to recognize differences between Too Much, Good Enough, and A Bit More. Awareness Through Movement lessons improve this capability; they offer what I call FlexStability as an anodyne to over taxed nerves or exhausted spirits.
These will be some of the themes we’ll explore in this next series. Most lessons will be be taught on the floor or in reclining; there will be one that includes sitting in a chair. If there are concerns about positioning, remember, you can imagine all the movements and get benefit! It’s a unique kind of learning for your brain; your body and functioning will respond.
I’m offering classes Tuesday early evenings and Wednesday mornings. The weekly content will be similar for each class. Create a floor space that allows you to slide and move easily; so a towel or sheet rather than a yoga mat will be useful. You may want a little something for head support. The lessons engage your thinking, sensing, feeling, imagining and moving. They can be challenging, puzzling, and FUN!
Movement is life, life is a process. Improve the quality of the process and you improve the quality of life itself. – Moshe Feldenkrais
Zoom link provided upon registration.
Leader: Betty Wolfe, M.Div. BCB, GCFPcm, authorized Sounder Sleep System® Teacher
Fee: $15/lesson, or $60 for 5 lessons
5 Tuesday Evenings: 5:00-6:00 pm: February 7, 14, 21, 28 & March 4
5 Wednesday Mornings: 10:00-11:00 am: February 8, 15, 22, & March 1 & 8
Questions? Contact me at or 919-794-4139
*** Use the Order Notes field when you check out to indicate which date(s) you want to attend.